Psycopg: bridging PostgreSQL and Python


Boulder Linux Users Group, '2020-04-09'::date

Daniele Varrazzo

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What are we talking about?

  • There is this language, Python 🐍
    • it's got all its types (strongly typed, dynamically typed)
  • and this database, PostgreSQL 🐘
    • yeah, not a great name. Let's call it Postgres
    • it's got a lot of different types too
  • You want to do something with the two 🐍↔️🐘
    • they are both very extendible
    • someone should map the two together

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Mapping the two together


  • Yeah, maybe questionable name too. 🤔
  • But now we sort of like it. 🤭



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Basic usage

The roles of the main actors

import psycopg2                             # the driver
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=piro")      # the connection/session
cur = conn.cursor()                         # the cursor - holds a result

cur.execute("select 10 as a, 'foo' as b")   # sends command
cur.fetchone()                              # retrieve results
conn.commit()                               # controls the session

Different ways to consume data

cur.fetchone()      # returns one tuples
cur.fetchmany(n)    # returns a list of n tuples
cur.fetchall()      # returns a list with all the tuples
for t in cur:
    pass            # iterable of tuples

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Data type mapping

Default data types mapping

Python PostgreSQL
bool bool
int, long smallint, integer, bigint
float real, double
Decimal numeric
str, unicode varchar, text
date date
time time
datetime timestamp, timestamptz
timedelta interval
and many more...

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Typecasters have:

  • one or more OID
  • a name
  • a conversion function

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Customizing a typecaster

>>> cur.execute("select 123.45")
>>> cur.fetchone()

>>> from psycopg2 import extensions as ext

>>> def num2float(s, cur):
...     if s is None:
...         return float(s)

>>> t = ext.new_type((1700,), "NUM2FLOAT", num2float)
>>> ext.register_type(t, cur)

>>> cur.execute("select 123.45")
>>> cur.fetchone()

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>>> cur.execute("select '%s' || '%s'" % ('a', 'b'))
>>> cur.fetchone()

>>> cur.execute("select '%s' || '%s'" % ("O'Reilly", ' Books'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-29-720a7746fc83>", line 1, in <module>
    cur.execute("select '%s' || '%s'" % ("O'Reilly", ' Books'))
ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near "' || '"
LINE 1: select 'O'Reilly' || ' Books'

>>> cur.execute("select %s || %s", ("O'Reilly", ' Books'))
>>> cur.fetchone()
("O'Reilly Books",)

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Adaptation risk

>>> cur.execute("insert into students (name) values ('%s')" % name)

Funny, but wrong conclusion:

>>> cur.execute("insert into students (name) values (%s)" , [name])
  • Look ma: no sanitizing database input here!
  • (You must not do it, we do it for you)

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Async notification demo

Using gevent, gevent-websocket, psycogreen

Note: the script is not running.




Download the demo code

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Async notification demo (offline)


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  • Q: how can I install psycopg without needing a C compiler, install packages, etc?

    A: psycopg3 has only an optional C package and it's otherwise pure Python

  • Q: adaptation is kinda slow on my 1M entries array

    A: psycopg3 uses a different mechanism than adaptation and is much more performing with less objects created

  • Q: my database is SQL_ASCII and now it's a jumble of different encodings which don't make sense, but we are scraper guys so we have to

    A: psycopg3 allows you to use SQL_ASCII databases as a binary databases, encoding-agnostic

  • Q: ... A: You should really sponsor psycopg3! 💜

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More questions?

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